New Ring Size Request

If you're unsure of what size you require, leave the size selections blank and we will be more than happy to contact you to discuss the size you need :)

Alternatively check out our ring size chart and animation at the link below

NOTE: After submitting this form you will need to check your inbox or junk mail for a 'Confirm Your Subscription' email from Swagmat and click the button in that email. If you don't validate your email address in this way, we will not get your request and information on our system.
* indicates required
Enter an email address that we can contact you at incase there is a problem locating your original order
Since October 2019 Amazon has changed their policies and now sellers can no longer see the full address of our buyers on Please provide your shipping address below where we can ship out your replacement ring(s).
Please enter your or Order ID. We cannot send out a new ring pack without it.If you cannot locate it, please put the code from the barcode at the back of your ring pack.
For example if you don't know the Order ID and/or you were not the one who purchased it, perhaps give us the name of the person who did or anything else that could help us track down the original order.
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